WOWDay Story: Judging a book by its cover

Wow, what a day! Today Eduardo told me that we are supposed to meet his old friend - Juan, that I haven’t met yet. Since he never came to visit us in England, this was a good occasion to get introduced. Honestly, I wasn’t very fond of the idea, because ever since I...

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WOWDay Story: A Day in the Woods

Wow, what a day! Today was one of those summer days when you sweat even early in the morning. On top of that, my air conditioner is still broken. I really hope someone comes very soon to fix it, or I will lose my mind. By 10 AM I already took 2 showers and I was...

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WOWDAY story: Lost and Found

Wow, what a day! It’s the 5th day of my trip around Europe. Today we got to Berlin. We’ll stay here only for two days, so right after we dropped our bags off and took a shower, we went off with the guide to explore the city. We saw lots of stuff and heard a lot of...

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5 reasons to start journaling

Do you remember those fascinating old adventure movies you used to watch when you were a kid? Remember how captains and pirates kept journals about their adventures in them? Now confess, you tried to start writing a diary at least once. But you've stopped. It’s a...

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WOWDAY story: Technology Hates Me

Wow, what a day! The day started beautifully. Michael woke up earlier and made breakfast with eggs and toast, fresh orange juice, jelly, and coffee. He even put flowers on the table! He doesn’t do it often, but when he does, he always makes sure that I feel special....

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