by wowlife | Aug 13, 2018 | WOWDAY Story
Wow, what a day! I was soooo embarrassed today at work… The tavern was full of tourists today and at some point, I was serving this old couple who were taking pictures of everything with their super cool camera. All of a sudden they asked me “Can we get a picture of...
by wowlife | Aug 6, 2018 | WOWDAY Story
Wow, what a day! It was a beautiful Sunday day today. But I woke up grumpy, feeling the weight of unemployment on my shoulders. I got even moodier when I saw the pile of envelopes with lots of unpaid bills. So I just hid them in the drawer with no intention of opening...
by wowlife | Aug 4, 2018 | Journaling Tips
Unfortunately, we are all very familiar with stress. Sometimes stress can be a positive thing. It can serve as a magical kick for us to take action; such as study more for that important exam or job interview. But sometimes a stressful situation can be beyond our...